More and more of our youth in America are turning away from the faith. In fact a vast majority of Americans (around 78%) who do not affiliate with a church were raised in Christian homes.
Given these statistics, there is a desperate need for the church to provide proper guidance to help families properly pass on the faith to their children. This is one of our priorities since most of the families meeting with us have school age children.
We encourage our parents to pray together for their children. Prayer for the children also occur among spiritual companions and in the prayer meetings of the church. We also try to build relationships with the children so that they feel part of our community, instead of feeling dragged into the church meetings. The children are also an important part of our small group meetings.
Ultimately — as it is with everyone who believes, including our children — salvation is the work of the Spirit and not simply the result of methods or techniques. Because of this we rely much on prayer and seeking the Lord’s leading as to the proper age and time to lead our children into the deeper spiritual truths and experiences that will ultimately keep them healthy in the faith.
2 Tim. 1:5 Having been reminded of the unfeigned faith in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded dwells also in you.